Monday, November 24, 2008

So as school is beginning to come to an end I have realized just how much work that needs to be done. All of the classes including English 102 still has so much work to do and so little time to do it in. At first i was so excited that we had less then a three weeks left until now. I wish we had more time in order to prepare ourselves for our final grades. It is in this hour i must do the most work i have ever done.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Prop 102

Proposition 102

Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state. This is proposition 102, and if passed will be added to the constitution of Arizona. Now we have all seen the signs promoting proposition 102 along side the road stating that a yes vote would inevitably save marriage. However marriage today comes with infidelity and divorces so what is there to save about marriage? There are many pros and cons when it comes to voting on proposition 102.
As of now there are three states which allow same sex marriage. A vote no could ultimately bring upon some of the discrepancies that have fallen upon masachuses. Such as the school systems that promote gay marriage, when some parents are not okay with this, which causes a conflict of interests with not only students but with their parents as well? This change could really start to effect the way we live and raise our children. Is it not enough that in today’s society kids are already ridiculed and made fun of, how would a child with two mommies or two daddies feel how it would affect their lives? Not to mention the benefits that comes out of being married. They get bigger tax cuts and the same breaks that a married couple get. Not to mention that it is unfair by the fact that two males would be bringing home a bigger income then that of a male and female or two females.
A vote yes on proposition 102 would keep things the way they are, that only a man and a woman can be married and can be seen as a legal marriage in Arizona. This would also prevent it from being promoted in our schools. Sylvia Allen suggests that a traditional family should consist of “A man, a woman and a child”, which has been the case for many of centuries.
It is not that they can not be together I have no problem with gay people. My aunt and my half sister are both lesbians. I just don’t see how there could be a marriage there. Marriage should be something that only a man and a woman should be able to enjoy or regret. Marriage is a privilege not a right therefore only those whom abide by society should be able to get married. People are not born gay it is a choice a lifestyle in which they choose and making that choice they should see the outcome and know their rights.
Proposition 102 is there to either stop gay marriage or to let a gay couple be recognized in the state of Arizona. When it comes down to it you’re the one who makes the decision weather or not you believe in it or not. Think about what benefits they would get and what would happen if allowed.